Limiting global warming to 1.5°C compared to 3°C avoids 80% of the increased human exposure to heat stress. At 3°C, 90% of the Himalayan Region experiences drought lasting over a year
Additional people exposed to climate change risks (millions)
Coastal flooding
Heat Stress
Fluvial flooding
Economic impact of fluvial flooding (millions USD)
*Total of Direct and Indirect impacts
Economic impact
Crop yield loss (percent)
Soy Bean
GDP Loss (percent)
Pollination is reduced by half at 3-4°C global warming compared to a quarter reduction at 1.5°C. Limiting warming to 1.5°C allows half the country to act as a refuge for biodiversity, compared with 6% at 3°
Biodiversity loss (percent)
Climate refugia for plants remaining
(% country land area)
Climate refugia for vertebrates remaining
(% country land area)
Loss of pollination as ecosystem service
Population year 2000. Climate baseline period 1961-1990. Coastal flooding assumes existing sea-defences are maintained. Economic climate projections baseline 1985-2015. Economic & annual GDP baseline 2011.